Shaolin Kung Fu Comprehensive Article

 Shaolin Kung Fu refers to a traditional cultural system formed in a particular Buddhist cultural setting in the Shaolin Temple of Songshan Mountain over a very long history that is based on the belief in the supernatural power of Buddhism and fully reflects the wisdom of Chan Buddhism.  And all the martial arts performed by the monks in the Shaolin Temple are the main form of expression.

Shaolin Kung Fu encompasses a complete technical and theoretical system in which martial arts and techniques are the main form of expression, and the belief in Buddhism and wisdom as its cultural and philosophical concepts.

Shaolin Kung Fu has a large and fully advanced technical system that is unlike many "Kung Fu Schools" or "Quan Styles" and other martial arts. Therefore, Chinese martial arts are structurally complex and are taught in many schools, but based on  Historical background Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the countless Chinese martial arts schools with a long history and a complete system with the highest level of proficiency.

Cowan handbooks passed down from generation to generation in Shaolin temples show that there are hundreds of thousands of sets of Shaolin Kung Fu skills, dozens of which are widely known and used.  There are 72 unique skill sets tailored to specific body types from kung fu techniques such as qi gong, opponent locking techniques, wrestling, detachment, attacking a vital point of the body, etc. according to specific categories and levels.  Difficult organized differently.

Shaolin Kung Fu is presented with human body movements such as attack, defense and ship as the core and techniques as its basic units.  Techniques consist of a group of movements that the design and arrangement of these movements is based on the knowledge of ancient Chinese medicine and corresponds to the rule of human body movements. Movements and forms with special emphasis on the combination of movement and stillness, the balance between "yin and yang" complement  Hardness and softness and the inclusion of the soul in the form.

The most famous principle of Shaolin Kung Fu is the principle of "six harmonies", which consists of three external harmonies (shoulders and hips, elbows and knees, arms and legs) and three internal harmonies (mind and intention, intention and force, qi force and energy).  Is.

The ancient Chinese belief in the "unity of man and nature" implies that only those movements that fit the natural structure of the human body can be called balance.  Shaolin Kung Fu has long been tested by history, during which it retains its Chan Buddhist essence and at the same time removes from what is undesirable and at the same time constantly undergoing its own modification and correction.

As a result, Shaolin Kung Fu is a complete movement of the potentials of the human body, which has achieved an optimal form of movement for the human body, which provides the necessary space for the development and prosperity of its specialists.

Chan's Buddhist wisdom has given deep cultural connections to Shaolin Kung Fu.  Shaolin Kung Fu exercises should first be based on the philosophy of Buddhism, including belief in wisdom and belief in power.

The first founders of "You were Harma" are revered as the god of wisdom and Kinara as the god of power.  The desire for supernatural power and the attainment of sublime wisdom has always been the goal pursued by Buddhists.  It is also the main reason for the mystical influences of kung fu and distinguishes Shaolin Kung Fu from other common styles of kung fu.

Buddhists consider the power of adherence to a covenant to be one of the most prominent and important characteristics of faith.  Belief in the "power of commitment" is an important manifestation of the Shaolin Kung Fu belief system.

The spirit of Shaolin Kung Fu is rooted in the wisdom of Chan Buddhism. The basic tenet of the Shaolin Kung Fu belief system is "Chang Ding" (Dehyana).


Reputable Indian monk Bodhidharma "Bodhidharma" introduced St. Chan to the Shaolin Temple in the sixth century and has been considered a Chan Buddhist origin in China ever since.
Chan Buddhism is the result of a broad integration and exchange of philosophical and religious understandings between what has been known as Chinese "learning of darkness" since then and Indian Buddhist culture in China.  Thus, it is a remarkable development in cultural exchange, integration and even transformation between the two main civilizations of the ancient East.  Chan Buddhism has been interpreted with a full understanding of life, interpreted by the two great sources of Eastern Chinese and Indian wisdom.  Before the birth of Chan Buddhism, Buddhism was more concerned with grief and death, but Chan Buddhism provided a much more optimistic atmosphere by acknowledging the deep joy found in life. Chan Buddhism clearly shows depth.  Experience and penetration of the mysteries of the world and the true meaning of life, exemplified by members of the Chinese religious and philosophical elite among those who have been recognized by many prominent monks, scholars and famous scholars in
During the Tang and Song dynasties, Buddha Chan was very popular, and the Shaolin Temple is rightly considered his birthplace.  Of course, it is also quite natural that in this long historical period, the content of the Shaolin Kung Fu belief system and many of its features have also been refined and changed.  The combination of Chan Buddhism with a unique system of martial arts has become the main feature of Shaolin Kung Fu, and so the adoption and operation of this system is a strong belief that especially the monks of the temple as "Shaolin" monks.  Recognizes.  Perfection in this system is their ideal and lifelong goal.

Chan Buddhism pays special attention to achieving the goal of Buddhism through daily upbringing according to strict rules and religious teachings. Shaolin Kung Fu, as a component of the daily life of Shaolin monks, is also included in forms of Buddhism and Chan studies.  A main body for practicing Shaolin Kung Fu Chan Buddhists who practice martial arts from the perspective of Chan Buddhism.  They fully understand life and have no fear in their hearts and show great wisdom and courage.  Chan Buddhism has enriched Shaolin Kung Fu and Shaolin Kung Fu has brought them a unique state of peace, freedom and divinity.  Shaolin Kung Fu understanding can only be achieved through long-term practice, and such a spirit influences the spirit of kung fu practitioners through solidarity in group practice.


The life of the monks is based on the precepts of Buddhism, which states the principles of Buddhism: "Shelter, compassion, helping beings, and feelings that make the world happy. These are rules of conduct for Buddhists."
 On the other hand, there are five basic religions in Buddhism;
  •    Refusal to kill
  •   Avoiding theft
  •   Abstinence from sex
  •   Abstinence from alcohol
  •   Refrain from lying
Buddhism prevents all these behaviors.  These rulings have become terms in the practice of martial arts in the special environment of the Shaolin Temple, which are taught to masters, these rulings can also be called their ethics and outstanding characteristics in the practice of martial arts.  These rulings have also directly influenced the technical style of Shaolin Kung Fu.  The monks in the Shaolin Temple practice martial arts only to defend themselves and not to harm them.  Hence, Shaolin Kung Fu shows the qualities of self-restraint and humility from time to time.  Its movements do not require much space and emphasize the strength of the inner force. The movements are often brief but strong and are performed with a definite victory at the moment of impact and only after the opponents' blows.

Shaolin Kung Fu is mainly taught by oral and practical formulas passed down from generation to generation.


Throughout history, the recognition of Shaolin Kung Fu inheritance has been based on the patriarchal tribal system of the Shaolin Temple.  To read.
The inheritance of high-level Shaolin Kung Fu always depends on the physical training and oral instruction of the masters as well as the students' spiritual understanding of Chan Buddhism.  To reach such a level of kung fu, monks must improve their knowledge of Chan's daily study of kung fu practices.  The idea of   all former Shaolin Kung Fu masters and monks is to believe in the combination of Chan and martial arts.

Sifu Marami