Article Difference between Ji and Chi words

  Article Difference between Ji and Chi words   Significant differences in the pronunciation of the words Chi and Ji - Qi.  (Meaning energy) spoken in a northern dialect such as (TaiQi Quan) Ji-ji (meaning "pole" or "terminal", shifting between poles or moving between yin and yang.) Ji is spoken in a southern dialect, such as (Taiji Quan) I Chi (in Chinese culture means the natural energy of the galaxy) …
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Tai Chi Comprehensive Article

  Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art performed for defense training, health benefits and meditation.  The term tai chi is a Chinese cosmological concept for yin and yang, and "chuan" also means fist. Etiquely, tai chi chuan is a boxing system based on the dynamic relationship between the (yin and yang) poles.  It is performed with extremely calm and rhythmic movements. Tai Ji Quan is considered as part of …
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Comprehensive article on the philosophy of yin and yang

 When practicing Chi Kung, why should you place the center of the chi above the dentin?  In answer to this question, it should be said that there is no specific amount or place to focus qi, but there are basic principles that can guide you in which specific position and in which position (left or right body or dentine) Will be more useful for you.   Basically, this is directly …
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A comprehensive article on Zen and the focus on Shaolin

  In Kung Fu, Shaolin is called concentration (Chen or Zen)  The famous phrase Zen and tea both have the same taste Zen calm is action-oriented calm, not passive.  Zen art is the concentration of internal forces so that one can use all those forces to perform one's actions. "Zen avoids speaking, because what he wants to say does not fit into language, because it does not fit into words …
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Comprehensive article of Tai Chi Zen and Chi Gong

  Tai Chi, Zen and Qigong are combined exercises that complement each other.  Mental exercises improve the body's function and health because during these exercises, the body's nervous system is activated and they also improve the immune system by stimulating the endocrine system. Tai Chi exercises are a set of movements and healing techniques of martial arts that combine the vital energy circulation of "chi" breathing and stretching techniques.   …
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Shaolin Kung Fu Comprehensive Article

 Shaolin Kung Fu refers to a traditional cultural system formed in a particular Buddhist cultural setting in the Shaolin Temple of Songshan Mountain over a very long history that is based on the belief in the supernatural power of Buddhism and fully reflects the wisdom of Chan Buddhism.  And all the martial arts performed by the monks in the Shaolin Temple are the main form of expression. Shaolin Kung Fu …
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