Buddhist philosophy

Buddhist wisdom According to Buddhist philosophy, it includes the belief in reason and the belief in power.
The first pillar of Buddhism was "Harma", which is revered by all Buddhists as the God of wisdom. The desire for supernatural power and attainment of sublime wisdom has led you to teach Harma to your followers beforehand.
Buddhists consider one of the most prominent and important characteristics of faith to be the power of keeping the covenant.  Belief in the "power of commitment" has been an important manifestation of the belief system and philosophy of existence.
The structure of Buddhist philosophy is rooted in the wisdom of Chan Buddhism, and its basic belief system is Chang Ding (Dehyana).  
The authoritative Indian monk "Bodhidharma" introduced the Chan tradition in the sixth century and since then this philosophy has been considered as the Chan Buddhist origin in China.
Chan Buddhism is the result of a broad integration and exchange of philosophical and religious understandings between what has been known as Chinese "learning the dark" since then and Indian Buddhist culture in China.  Use, this is a dramatic breakthrough in cultural exchange, losses and even transformation between the two main civilizations of the ancient East.  Chan Buddhism has been interpreted with a full understanding of life, interpreted by the two great sources of Eastern Chinese and Indian wisdom.  Before Chan Buddhism was born, Buddhism was more of a sport of grief and death, but Chan Buddhism, with its affirmation of the deep joy found in life, had a much more optimistic mood.  Experience and penetration of the mysteries of the world and the true meaning of life, exemplified by members of the Chinese religious and philosophical elite among people who have not been prominent monks, scholars, and famous students in Chinese history.
During the Tang and Sung dynasties, Buddhism must have been very popular.  Of course, it is also quite natural that in this long period of history, the belief system of Buddhism, as well as its features, has needed to be refined and changed.  Perfectionism in this system has become an ideal and lifelong goal.
Chan Buddhism pays special attention to achieving the goal of Buddhism through daily upbringing according to strict rules and religious teachings.
The philosophy of Buddhism is based on the precepts of Buddhism, which state the principles of Buddhism, such as "sheltering, compassion, helping beings, and feelings that make the world happy."
 There are five basic religions to Buddhism;
 "Refusal to kill",
 "Avoiding theft",
 "Abstinence from sex",
 "Abstinence from alcohol",
 "Refrain from lying",
 Buddhism can slow down all of these behaviors.